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How can an NLP Coach Help you to Break Old Patterns?

Have you ever found yourself just stuck in a rut, no matter how hard you try? Have you ever thought about how annoying it is to have the same argument with your partner over and over? Or how frustrating it is to feel like you can never get ahead in your career?

Maybe it’s a habit that’s hard to break, even though it’s not serving you. Maybe it’s something that keeps coming up over and over again in your life, no matter what you try to do about it. A lot of people have a hard time asking for help when it comes to their lives, but it’s important to remember that this is your life. If something isn’t working for you, then there’s no reason not to explore other options and see if there’s something more effective that can get you where you want to be.

The first step in the process is identifying what behaviors need to change and why they’re causing problems in your life. An NLP coach will help you learn how to overcome self-sabotaging behaviors, stop negative thinking patterns, and develop new skills and habits that will help you achieve your goals.

NLP stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. It’s a method of communication and behavioral change that can be applied to a variety of situations, from business to personal relationships.

It’s an attitude of learning how your mind works and how it interacts with your body. It can be used in a variety of ways, but one of its most popular applications is as a coaching tool for people who want to improve their self-talk and change their behaviors by changing their patterns of thinking. The first step in breaking old patterns is to realize that you have them.

The human brain is designed to learn from our experiences, but if we don’t choose to change those experiences, we’ll just keep repeating the same behaviors over and over again. For example, let’s say you’ve been trying to lose weight for years—but every time you try to lose weight, you end up gaining it back. This could happen because of your environment (say, if you live with people who encourage binge-eating) or because of your own internal mindset (for example, if you think that being skinny is unattractive).

So how does this work? Well, NLP coaches will help guide clients through exercises designed to help them identify their own limiting beliefs about themselves or about their lives as whole. These limiting beliefs are often based on things from our childhoods or things that happened later on in life (such as bad relationships) that may have caused us some sort of trauma or pain. These kinds of events can cause us to believe things about ourselves such as: “I am unlovable” or “I am unworthy” or “I am not enough”.

One of the things that make NLP coaches so effective is the fact that they can help you notice patterns—like a tendency to procrastinate, or a tendency to feel shame when things don’t go your way—and then help you figure out what they mean and how to work with them.

I’ve been using NLP for years as a way of helping myself, but it wasn’t until I started working with clients—people who were struggling to get out from under the same old patterns that had been holding them back—that I realized how much more powerful it could be when used in a group setting. When we work together as a group, we can use our collective strengths to break through those old barriers and create new possibilities for ourselves.

Here’s what I’d do to help my clients as a Certified Master NLP Practitioner:

First, I’d ask you some questions about your life and your goals. What are the areas where you feel stuck? Where do you feel like there’s something holding back your potential? What are the things that bring up feelings of anxiety or self-doubt?

Then I’d help you look at those areas in a new light. For example, if we’re talking about procrastination and it’s something that makes sense for us to work on together, I’ll ask questions like: “Why do you think this came about?” “What does this pattern mean for your life?” “How does it make sense for your life now?” And then we’ll brainstorm together about ways to tackle it using techniques from NLP coaching—like reframing.

When you work with an NLP Coach, you’ll get the support and guidance that you need to make lasting changes in your life. They can help you identify and understand the patterns that are holding you back so that they no longer have power over you.

Here are few ways how an NLP Coach can help you break old patterns and create more resourceful and positive behaviour and habits:

  1. An NLP Coach helps you become aware of the specific triggers that are causing your negative thoughts and the ways to change them to positive thoughts.
  2. They can help build your self-confidence by showing you how to trust yourself more than anyone else ever could.
  3. They can teach you how to set goals and then take action on them—so they become real and tangible!
  4. They’ll teach you how to use sensory experience such as visualization and touch to connect with your emotions so that when something does upset us, we can use these tools instead of falling back into our old patterns.
  5. They’ll teach us how to accept and master our own emotions so that instead of letting them control us, we’re learning to accept them and manage them responsibly.
  6. They’ll teach you how to use positive affirmations that change your internal dialogue from negative self-talk into positive self-talk.
  7. They will teach you how to reframe your thoughts so they’re more positive and empowering.


Are you ready to break old patterns and start living the life you really want? At Auracious, our certified Coaches will work together with you to create a plan that works for you—and get it moving!

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