5 Mind Habits that can help you attain a Growth Mindset

Do you ask yourself – How will I challenge myself today? What did I UNLEARN and RE-LEARN today? How can I ACHIEVE MORE? EVERYBODY WANTS SUCCESS! And to achieve that, you need to figure what stands between present YOU and where you WANT to reach? The answer is “the more Growth Mindset, the more Success”. 

You might have heard about the 16 Habits of Mind recognized by Costa and Kallick. It’s a combination of various life related skills/experiences that influence human minds to perform intelligently, especially in complex situations. However, we believe the research must go on for some additional Mind Habits through which humans can practice their intellectual capacities and attain a Growth Mindset.

“Habits of Mind are the characteristics of what intelligent people do when they are confronted with problems, the resolutions of which are not immediately apparent.” – Prof Art Costa

A Growth Mindset is all about acknowledging the challenges, identifying those potentials to move ahead despite the hurdles and many failures! It’s a stance to seek new opportunities, embrace new learnings to CHANGE, to GROW and outshine the existing life experiences. It starts with believing that “YOU WANT TO DO MORE, BECOME MORE, TO ACHIEVE BETTER THINGS IN LIFE”.

Here are 5 Mind Habits that can help you achieve “A Growth Mindset”:

  1. Embrace Challenges: or Let go of old Habits:

Can we just begin with letting go of our old ways of doing things-which most of us have been following since we were born? For instance, after Covid’19 the entire world had shifted to working at home and on hybrid modes post-pandemic! Yet, there are people who still find it challenging to move along with new technology shifts and adapt to new working styles. It’s not that, they are not assisted by their organizations and managing leaders but the allegory of believing that they can perform better and make more money while working in a confined office space with a 9 to 5 job! The fact is one can still work at home and equip themselves with the latest trends and expertise and earn the same reward! Go out there, seek new challenges, rather than avoiding them.

2. Transform your negative thoughts into the positive ones:

“A positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible” – Winston Churchill

A Simple positive thought can begin with your day; think about “How you are so thankful that you woke up this morning all hale and healthy”. Rather than evoking an unpleasant incident with a co-worker throughout the day, think about how your manager was all praises for your, when you presented your ideas for the upcoming team project. It’s important to note that it takes time to defy your negative conventions about things because our brains are wired to focus on potential dangers or bad experiences. However, Choosing positivity and gratitude will help you bounce back from setbacks and challenges more quickly, hence a supporting habit to have while working towards achieving growth and life goals.

3. Self-Reflection:

“Reflection is one of the most underused yet powerful tools for success”! –Richard Carlson. A latest study at Harvard 2022, connected how cultivating the habit of self-reflection was found to be a valuable source in creating better leaders and managers. Self-reflection calls for understanding yourself and others through emotions and experiences. It’s also important to be honest with oneself, and not to shy away from diverse and uncomfortable thoughts and emotions, since they can provide valuable insights. The best way to start your journey to self-reflection is ‘journaling’ which will help you keep track of your success towards different areas of your life such as – personal, professional or any relationships and more.

4. Value the process more than the results

The mindset of focusing on the journey to the goal more than the outcome/ destination, itself will give you greater satisfaction because you’re doing – ‘what you love’. There is no point in reaching a destination which does not give you enough motivation and bliss. When you start enjoying the route towards your growth, you will feel you achieved more in terms of learning and experiences. Visualize your dream destination in the world- or a long drive with your loved one, would you prefer to sleep through the ride and miss all the beautiful moments and memories?

5. Embrace your Imperfections

Embracing your imperfections is one of the crucial steps towards attaining a growth mindset since you get to focus on your real strengths and abilities rather than those behavioral patterns that you do not like in yourself. Thinking about how things aren’t always seamless for you can hinder between your dreams and your efforts to achieve them as you become more self-conscious of your limitations. Be COMPASSIONATE and practice SELF-CARE HABITS such as getting enough sleep, being close to nature, making healthy lifestyle changes and things that give you joy. If you find yourself careworn by any of these reasons, consider a therapist or a personal counselor. When you start prioritizing yourself, you will be able to stand up yourself and for others as well! We hope to support you in the process of attaining a Growth Mindset with some of these Mind Habits! Subscribe to the Auracious Global Bi-Weekly Newsletter on our website www.auraciousglobal.com for more such blogs.


On Key

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