5 ways to help you build your Leadership Vision

“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” -Jack Welch

Creating a Vision is one of the most initial steps while starting your leadership journey, it is a dream that you want to accomplish, a future goal for the company you work for, or the passion you want to fulfill for yourself. Great leaders aren’t remembered by their prosperities but because of their stout & dedicated leadership visions who led them to the feat. But to build that dream statement, you need to understand yourself and align your strengths that are best for your team and organization as a whole.

As a leader, you may think of a lot of ideas to start writing your VISION; it’s more than just scripting it and saving it for everyone else to follow and approve you! Start with self-awareness and self-reflection, think about what inspires you the most? Here it’s important that once you know the purpose of your leadership vision, communicate it to your team/people so that they work towards its achievement.

Here are 5 ways that can help you build a leadership vision:


  1. Self-awareness & Self-reflection

While you start creating your leadership vision, it’s essential that you are aware of your ideologies, values and priorities in life. Find an answer to – what’s the best you could bring to serve your internal satisfaction! Vision is not ‘ALL’ about what you want to sell and develop for your company, but what you believe and what do you intend to be? Everyone who recognizes you as a leader knows, you want your company and people to flourish, but have you asked yourself “WHY DO YOU WANT TO DO THAT?”. Reveal what differences you want to make in the world and within yourself.

  1. Growth Mindset

A leader with a growth mindset is mindful of his industry trends, the skills needed for his people to grow the business. It includes discovering new talents and abilities within your people, asking their feedback, listening to diverse perspectives and agreeing to change. As a leader, when you manage to shape your future goals, make room for continuous improvements and embrace challenges with flexibility. You may find ample reasons for frustration and maybe some failures. Yet, stay resilient and learn to do things differently. A growth mindset will help you and your organization adopt and become innovative in this ever changing business environment.

  1. Being Empathetic

One of the core values of a leader is Empathy, we assume empathy comes naturally when we care for the person who is close to us but when you wish to be an aspiring leader, you realize that your people are your greatest asset! Empathetic leaders create an environment of trust through caring for their people. They address their employees’ concerns and watch out for any personal or professional challenges e.g. work disengagements, stress/anxiety or burnouts. “ The highest form of knowledge is Empathy”- Bill Bullard

Having empathy enables a leader to connect and interact more with his people which creates a sense of belongingness for the organization they work in. Be curious to learn and listen to your people’s perspectives and struggles.

  1. Risk-taking ability

“Living with fear stops us from taking risks, and if you don’t go out on the branch, you are never going to get the best fruit” – Sarah Parish

So, leadership is not about having people do everything for you but to lead the way, and be the first to take risk so your people can feel secure. Set an example by initiating innovative business ideas and accommodating the shortcomings patiently. Then, challenge your team to overtake the conventional way of doing things.

  1. Clarity of future & Positivity

A leader’s vision is a concise prediction of “What” his business would be accomplishing, “WHY”? And how those long term; well thought strategies will help you reach your goal. As an effective leader, build  your vision in a way that  motivates your people/team, aligns them with your beliefs, communicates the purpose, and gives them reasons to stay focused and committed. Think high and contemplate positive outcomes, dare to dream and innovate the business with your passion!

VISION- Auracious Global Consulting

Creating Learning Pathways to True Human Empowerment and cultivating a progressive culture of learning and transformation as a lifelong adventure. “CREATING the BEST YOU…WITH YOU”!

We wish you a successful leadership journey and hope our humble efforts will  help you build your leadership vision ! If you find these tips convenient, Subscribe to the Auracious Global Bi-Weekly Newsletter on our website www.auracious.com


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